Pedagogická fakulta
Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
Mlýnská 5
701 03 Ostrava
Czech Republic


14th year 2013

authorname of the paperpresentation
Barajas Mario, Trifonova AnnaLearning Transversal Skills with ICT-enhanced Attribute Blockspresentation
Barajas MarioICT as a Pathway to Inquiry Based Science Educationpresentation
Mareš JiříProč je přínos e-learningu u jednotlivých studentů odlišný?presentation
Svobodová DianaEnglish-Czech Inter-Language Interference in Translations of Technical Textspresentation
Bejdová Veronika, Kubincová Zuzana, Homola MartinCan Blogging Activities and Peer-Reviewing Improve Learning Outcomes?presentation
Bezáková Daniela, Hrušecká Andrea, Hrušecký RomanUsing Bobrovo environment by teachers and their studentspresentation
Bílek MartinInquiry Based Science Education and ICT-
Buřita LadislavApproach to Teaching Information System - One Year Afterpresentation
Dimitrova Vesselina, Dimitrova Neli, Lustig FrantišekICT in the Project-based Education of Physics-
Dvořák KarelApplication Knowledge of Modeling and Simulation in teaching of Engineeringposter
Havelková HanaMind Maps in Programmingposter
Hollan Jan, Miléř Tomáš, Svobodová JindřiškaData Visualization with gnuplot in Climate Change Educationpresentation
Hrbáček Jiří, Kučera Martin, Hodis Zdeněk, Dosedla MartinICT in technical subjectspresentation
Javorčík Tomáš, Kapoun PavelEducational Games for Safe Electronic Communicationposter
Kapounová Jana, Kapoun Pavel, Jiří ŠrámekEducachingposter
Kostolányová Kateřina, Takács OndřejSimulation of Personalised eLearningposter
Krajewska JowitaThe impact of digital media on changes in education - research report-
Leipert JiříThe evolution of cloud platforms for learningposter
Lustig FrantišekEasy to use remote experiments WITHOUT laboratory systemspresentation
Machková Veronika, Bílek MartinContribution of Computer Simulations for the Science Instruction: Analysis of Design and Results of Research Studiespresentation
Malach Antonín, Malach JosefProgrammed Learning 1954-2013: 60 years of inspiration for teaching and learning in the worldpresentation
Malach Josef, Malčík Martin, Mechlová ErikaFrom Behaviorism to Generativism: Changes of Theoretical Principles of ICT Applications in Teaching and Learningpresentation
Nagyová IngridTesting in the Information and Computer Literacy Courseposter
Najbrt LukášPersonalisation on educational using of museum exposition supported by ICTposter
Neumajer OndřejInnovation in education and innovative learning activities with ICT-
Oujezdský AlešCreation of Educational Video Tutorialsposter
Pálušová Mária, Exnar ZdislavThe application of a systems approach in teachingposter
Perzycka ElżbietaTo Trust Digital Media in the Process of Educationpresentation
Pokorná Erika, Šujanová JanaSoftware and Hardware Used in Education for Teachers and Studentsposter
Poulová Petra, Šimonová IvanaPersonalized eLearning - YES or NOpresentation
Rosman PavelSome Aspects of ICT Integration into Educationpresentation
Sehnalová VladimíraUsage of information technology in inclusive education at universitiesposter
Schwarz Daniel, Harazim Hana, Štourač Petr, Komenda Martin, Dušek LadislavInfrastructure of clinical cases for medical educationpresentation
Šarmanová JanaData Warehouses in Educationpresentation
Šimonová IvanaForeign Language Teaching and Learning: Learners' Experience Reflecting Individual Learning Stylespresentation
Telnarová ZděňkaThe Knowledge Volunteers (TKV) alias multigenerational dialogue througposter
Válek Jan, Sládek PetrWeb based dynamic modeling by means of PHP and JavaScript - part IIpresentation
Vaníček JiříTowards a New IT Primary Curricula: Implementing Basics of Computer Sciencepresentation
Veřmiřovská Martina, Veřmiřovský JanInteractive white boards in science education of pupils with mild mental handicapsposter
Velek PřemyslEuropean Schoolnet: Collaboration and Exchange in technology enabled educationpresentation


Updated: 26. 09. 2013

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