For authors
- contributions will be published in Czech, Slovak, Polish, and English
- text editor MS WORD 2003 version, format .doc (not .docx!)
- 12-point Times New Roman, abstract and citation 10-point Times New Roman
- text boundaries (margins) – all 2.5 cm
- single-spaced
Struktura příspěvku
- all the text in the block
- title of contribution
- author
- abstract (English)
- text
- pictures and graphs directly in the text, with captions (e.g. picture 1, picture 2), flux pattern “in text”
- citations according norm (it possible to use web
- author data (name and surname, titles, workplace address, telephone number, e-mail)
The deadline for contribution submission is July 31, 2010; send to address:
Aktualizace: 20. 03. 2010