Katedra chemie
Přírodovědecká fakulta
Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
30. dubna 22
701 03 Ostrava
Czech Republic

česky   english   


Terms and fees

Conference fee

The registration fee amounts 2500 CZK and includes the organisation costs connected with ensuring of the conference, the proceedings and CD-ROM publishing, and refreshment during the conference.

The fee does not include accommodation and boarding!

Payment Information
Bank:ČNB Ostrava
Account number: 931761
Bank code:0710
International account number (IBAN):CZ65 0710 0000 0000 0093 1761
Invoice number: It will be allotted individually.

Date of the registration fee and all accommodation and boarding costs payment: 15. 6. 2010.

Do not send payment receipt - you will be asked for it in the case of some discrepancies.

Accommodation and boarding will be arranged in the hotel complex according to the participants´ orders (see registration form). The hotel offers wellness centre – see www pages.

Important dates
Registration15. 4. 2010
Abstract of contribution
Registration fee payment (including payment for demanded accommodation and boarding)15. 6. 2010
Aktualizace: 20. 03. 2010

© Ostravská univerzita 2008 - 2024
Ostravská univerzita, Dvořákova 7, 701 03 Ostrava

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