Katedra chemie
Přírodovědecká fakulta
Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
30. dubna 22
701 03 Ostrava
Czech Republic

česky   english   




Registration form and abstract of contribution (max. 10 lines in a language of contribution) is to be sent by e-mail on the address marie.solarova@osu.cz.

Deadline date is 15. 4. 2010.

After sending your e-mail registration form you receive a payment invoice number necessary for your identification as a payer. Each participant must pay individually on one invoice number!!!

Presentation of contributions

Only oral (max. 15 min) contributions will be accepted. The organisers reserve right to accept or reject contributions, to sort out contributions into the sessions and to choice plenary lectures (max. 30 min). Authors can present only one contribution in one session.

Technical facilities

PC, data projector, and overhead projector will be available. Wi-fi will be arranged in the majority of the hotel complex.


Contributions will be published in an original language in the reviewed proceedings and on CD-ROM. Contributions in the range of max. 5 pages will be accepted for publishing in the proceedings. Contributions can be published in Czech, Slovak, Polish, and English. An amount 500 CZK (Czech crown) must be paid for the second and each further contribution of one author.

The instructions for authors will be specified in the 2nd circular.

Accommodation and boarding

Accommodation and boarding will be arranged in the hotel complex according to the participants´ orders (see registration form). The hotel offers wellness centre – see www pages.

Aktualizace: 20. 03. 2010

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Ostravská univerzita, Dvořákova 7, 701 03 Ostrava

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