The Changing Landscape of Professional Discourse / Fachkommunikation im Wandel
The Changing Landscape of Professional Discourse
6 - 8 November 2014
The Changing Landscape of Professional Discourse is an international conference organized by the University of Ostrava’s Centre for the Research of Professional Language - Zentrum für Fachsprachenforschung, which was set up in 2011 to coordinate a team of linguists researching professional communication in the English and German languages.
The November 2014 conference aims to provide a forum for linguists to present their research exploring the vast, varied and developing area of professional discourse - sharing ideas and discussing their findings, methods, and future plans.
The work of the Ostrava Centre draws on both German and English approaches to linguistic research; these distinct traditions interact, complement and enrich each other to provide valuable new insights into the rapidly changing landscape of professional language and discourse.
We especially welcome papers and presentations investigating the fields of emerging genres - their stability and change in generic structure, multimodality and multimedia in professional discourse and intersubjective positioning in professional discourse: contact and conflict at the professional & public interface.
On behalf of the organizing committee
Prof. PhDr. Lenka Vaňková, Dr.
10 July 2014 - Abstract submission
Plenary speakers
Theresa Lillis - The Open University, UK
Anna Mauranen - University of Helsinki, Finland
Klaus-Dieter Baumann - University of Leipzig, Germany
Norbert Richard Wolf - University of Würzburg, Germany
We are grateful to Česká průmyslová zdravotní pojišťovna
for the financial support of the conference.